
Bioidentical Testosterone St. John

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Bioidentical Testosterone St. John

Aging men sometimes face testosterone deficiencies. This hormone plays an important role in countless body functions, and in men, it’s a dominant hormone that impacts their overall health. If you’ve noticed signs of a hormone imbalance, it’s important to get your symptoms reviewed. You may benefit from bioidentical testosterone. St. John wellness experts are here to help. Custom Dosing Pharmacy is your number one choice for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. We offer an extensive range of services and products to help you feel your very best. Get in touch with our pharmacists today to discuss your wellness goals. 

What Is Bioidential Testosterone?

Bioidentical testosterone involves replacing low hormones with synthetic ones derived from plant sources. Bioidentical hormones are natural and are identical to your natural testosterone on a molecular level. Your body readily accepts these hormones since they are similar to the ones your body naturally produces, meaning you can enjoy better health without unwanted side effects.  

Some aging men develop abnormally low testosterone levels that can create problematic symptoms. These symptoms can disrupt their day-to-day lives:

  • Mood changes
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Dry skin
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Sexual dysfunction

If you have these symptoms, you should consider bioidentical hormone replacement therapy to feel better. While some aging men experience these symptoms to a minor degree as they get older, you dont have to accept disruptive symptoms as simply a part of the aging process. You deserve to feel your very best, and our pharmacists are ready to help you. Discuss your needs with our team at a private wellness consultation, and we’ll introduce you to all of your treatment options

What to Expect From Bioidentical Testosterone Therapy

Bioidentical testosterone therapy is successful for many patients with a hormone imbalance. We administer treatment over the course of weeks, and you will gradually experience benefits within that timeframe. It may take some time for your body to replenish its lost hormones, but once treatment has concluded, you will feel like yourself again. 

Many patients report improved mood, better sexual functioning, increased energy and overall happiness in their everyday lives as a result of treating their hormone imbalance. We offer a range of treatment options, such as hormone patches and gels, based on your specifications. We can help you determine if bioidentical hormones are right for you. We start with a physical assessment, where we gather key information on your health. Once we better understand your condition and what you want to achieve, we’ll provide additional information on bioidentical hormones and how they may benefit you. 

Custom Dosing Pharmacy Is Here for You

Custom Dosing Pharmacy is committed to providing an outstanding customer experience every step of the way. We recognize that a hormone imbalance can leave a big impact on your health and happiness, so it is our mission to ensure your needs are tended to. Contact our pharmacy today to discuss treatment options using bioidentical testosterone. St. John patients will be impressed by the quality of care that we provide.  

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