




How CBD Can Help You Manage Insomnia

 Insomnia isn’t just detrimental to your day-to-day life, either. Studies point towards a lack of sleep as a cause of cardiovascular disease, memory problems, and…

Is Hormone Replacement Right for You?

From hot flashes to night sweats, a hormone imbalance isn’t something you need to simply put up with. There are many effective treatments available, so…

Differences Between Compounding and Retail Pharmacies

When you think of getting a prescription for pain medication, you likely imagine your local retail pharmacy. While it’s true that some individuals take standardized…

Four CBD Benefits

CBD oil has gained popularity as a promising alternative remedy for pain management. With strong, pain-reducing properties and virtually no side effects, CBD is something…

Saliva Testing

Level of Hormones When the various glands manufacture the steroids, they are released into the bloodstream bound to carrier proteins. Only a small fraction (1-5%)…

Bio-Identical Progesterone VS Synthetic Progestins

Adapted from What Your Doctor May Not Have Told You About Peri-Menopause by Dr. John Lee, MD
